Formal Request for Return and Refund – Defective Hair Extensions
Dear Afri Hair Customer Service Team,
I am writing to formally raise a concern regarding the quality of the hair extensions I recently purchased from your company. Regrettably, despite meticulous care and adherence to proper handling techniques, the hair has exhibited persistent tangling and matting, rendering it unfit for its intended purpose. Given these inherent defects, I find the product to be unsatisfactory and un merchantable.
In light of the foregoing, I wish to initiate a return and seek a full refund. Kindly provide me with comprehensive guidance on your returns procedure and to supply prepaid postal package for internal returns to facilitate the process at no additional cost to me.
I trust that your company upholds high standards of customer satisfaction and will address this matter expeditiously. I look forward to your prompt response outlining the requisite steps to effectuate the return and refund.
Yours sincerely,
Josephine Stewart